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    Or do you …

    … need spare parts?

    Find the following information before ordering:

    · Greenhouse Model

    · Size

    · Spare parts number (see the assembly instructions)

    · Colour and glas type

    Find Spare Parts

    … need to file a complaint?

    ​​​​​​​Need to make a customer claim?

    You can make a claim on your bought greenhouse and accessorises here.

    Make Customer Claim

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    If not, look at our Q&A page

    See our Q&A page

    Juliana Group Ltd

    The Distribution Centre

    Stoke Road

    Stoke Orchard


    GL52 7RS


    Monday to Friday 09.00 - 16.00

    01242 662926

    Discover our greenhouse universe in our catalogues

    Family owned company with production in Odense, Denmark

    On both Juliana, Halls and Gabriel Ash greenhouse

    Let us guide you with the right location, size and type of greenhouse